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Monday, December 27, 2010

Honey Sugar Mask for Annoying Breakouts!!!!!

So im pretty sure everyone knows that horrible feeling when you get the BIGGEST pimple ever! and you do not know how to cover it up or make it go away! Well here is a little secret to help prevent and to calm annoying breakouts :) This recipe is quite simple and doesn't require more that 30 minutes of your time(PLUS it smells Yummy!)

Things you will need:

A cup/Bowl

Spoon and a Clean Flat Foundation Brush



Lemon/Lemon Juice

    What To Do:
    1. Add a 1/4 of honey into the cup/bowl
    2. Add 2 tbsp. of sugar into the honey and mix the sugar evenly
    3. Next take the Lemon Juice and add a small amount to the honey and sugar; make sure to mix very well!
    4. The texture of the mask should have a sticky consistency and shouldn't be to watery.
    5. This step you can do 2 different ways: you could blend the oat meal in to the mixture or you could apply oatmeal grains to the top of your face after you have applied the honey mask
    6. Apply the Honey mask with a clean flat foundation brush all over your face! 
    7. This Step is optional and recommended- after you have applied a generous amount of the mask to your face take your CLEAN hands and massage your face and focus on the places you have breakouts the most.
    8. If you were to were to choose the second option in step 5 you would take the oatmeal grains and apply them to your face so that your whole face is covered
    9. Now its time to lay down and wait for 15-20 minutes and try not to talk because you will get it everywhere and make a huge mess!
    10. After your time is up take a warm wet cloth and GENTLY wipe most of the mask off
    11. Now all is left is to rinse your face with warm water until all the honey and sugar is off
    12. Pat your face dry and apply a generous amount of moisturizer :)
    The reason this mask is AMAZING! is because it take off all the dead skin from your face and the lemon kills the bacteria growing in your acne! The purpose for the oatmeal is to calm your face because the lemon can be a little harsh for some skin types and the oatmeal helps calm it down a little plus is the honey and sugar leaves your face super soft! Try it out and see the wonders this magical mask can do :) Please let me know what you think when you try it out and comment and follow :)

    maria <3